Saturday, April 25, 2015

the reason why you should not Often Re-install your os

Are you someone who is very likes a lot of operating systems? so that you periodically replacing Operating system you have. For example, today you have a Windows Operating System is installed on your computer, and then the next day or another week you install Linux because they feel something is missing in the windows, and vice versa.

You should immediately throw away that nature. Why? because if you often replace your operating system that installed on your computer will make it all so messy. it's mean that your Computer can't do all this stuff. there are lot of heavy stuff that can damage your computer

Try to imagine  this, for example just today you are given a task to create a report that will be collected next week. then when you've set it up and finish, you are required to repeat the job from the beginning. you will absolutely feel tired right? it's same like your computer, which can feel tired that can make it Damaged.

frequency re-install the operating system also generate a lot of other bad consequences. Among them:

1. Dependence

You what it's mean right? If you can reset your life from the beginning, you will take that choice compared with to fix your life which has existed. as well as the computer, if the option to repeat from the beginning  exist. Then you tend to choose it. with this exist option. If something happens to your computer, you certainly prefer to Reinstalling the operating system the  do you have of the fix it. its not speed up your computer, but even slow her. because the hard disk of your computer will be damaged little by little

2. Shorten Battery Life

You know? when performing the operating system installation process. Lots of battery power needed to make it work. and of course makes the computer's battery power is forced to issue more. of course this makes your computer's battery will not last long. why? it's because Installing the OS on the removable battery condition is the wrong way. because of the incoming voltage less stable and do in the condition of the battery without the charger attached. if too Often will the make the battery life is reduced without you knowing it.

3. Risk of damage Hardware

Installing OS that too Often can also cause Increased risk of hardware damage Because this process is a process that is quite heavy. Your computer will also experience overheating which can certainly ruin.

4. Risk of Data Loss

Each re-install process carries the risk of a data loss, especially if not done properly. The process of re-install the current format if done too Often Also the potential to  make hard drive faster problematic until the the data inside your computer could be threatened.

So what you gonna do if there are a problem ini your Computer? this is e few tips for you if you get problems to your computer :

  • You must know the problem that you faced and looking for a way to get out of it. whether the problems is caused by malware, human error or problems from your system. My recommendation is that you must try to to resolve it before deciding to re-install your computer

  • Nowadays, Operating system has a function named System Restore, This function can make your computer get back when the sytem are not got an error. Use this System Restore if all the problems are difficult  to Overcome. System Restore is a powerful tool that you can use to restore the OS to be like before the occurrence of a problem. this is the better way the Re-install your Operating System.

  • Before you install a third-party software, you must Know the software specifications that will be used to your computer. From all my experience, many people are not aware that they computer cannot use one of those Software that installed on their system because the software is did not support the OS. finally, The system get error and make their computer damaged. because of this situation, There is no other way except re-instaling Your Operating system

  • You must know owned hardware specifications. It aims to avoid things that are undesirable when performing the process to reinstall the OS. So if you use hardware that does not support the OS you want to install, you should not need to be angry to continue the process to fix it  rather than you desperate because of the problems  and finally choose too forced to re-install again.

That's a few tips from me if you get the same error message. if you have a different opinion with us, please feel free to comment so others can know your opinion

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